Fourteen grams of protein and satisfies my sweet tooth? Count me in! Yogurt is one of my favorite foods and preferred dairy product because of its great taste and high nutritional value
Joey Schilter is the youngest of three children raised on a dairy farm in the state of Washington. His older siblings are “passionate about winning” and have done well in many activities, shared...
Social media has almost become a bit of a necessary evil these days. We use it to keep in touch with friends and family, to ask advice, to buy and sell things, and to entertain each other and share
Especially in cold weather states, it has been common for calf feeders to bump up fat levels in calf diets during the winter to account for added energy required by calves to maintain body temperature
Easter and Christmas are the two days when most churches are standing-room only. A person must arrive at church 30 minutes ahead of the start of mass to try to get a seat
One of the best things an operation can do for its future is invest in taking care of calves in the first two months. Although that care can be accomplished a great number of ways
Ever notice how much time you spend talking to others who farm, between attending ag meetings and sitting on ag boards and committees? Talking to our farm friends is so easy
Somatic cell count (SCC) has been and remains the golden standard of milk quality. That being said, milk quality can be in question even when SCC is in check
I recently had the opportunity to interview several outstanding college students for the Animal Agriculture Alliance’s summer communications internships
Among farm families, it is more and more common to hear of households that also pursue off farm ventures. A report from USDA’s Economic Research Service shows that there is good reason for that
Ultimately, the economically optimal pregnancy rate depends on many herd specific factors, but especially the costs associated with making the management changes that result in an increased pregnancy rate